You dont drown by falling in the drown by staying there

Thursday, April 15, 2010

recipe idea

I dont know if this will work, but i've thought up a fritatta recipe (well, it has probably been done before but I havent seen it so therefore i've made it up) that I hope is TF friendly and will try & cook next week. I havent officially started TF yet( start on 21 April) and therefore dont have the weightloss book but from what i've read on the website women can have 2 eggs as 1 protein serve and 250gm of low fat ricotta cheese as 1 serve. So my recipe plan is to use 4 protein serves to make 4 meals out of this recipe. Therefore that will be 6 eggs & 250gms of low fat ricotta. Combine those with a whizz stick. Chop up lots of vegies (ill probably use sliced mushrooms, grated zucchini, chopped red onion, shallots, chopped red capsicum, baby spinach and diced tomatoes), add to the egg/cheese mixture and pour into a big flat square baking dish & bake into a vegie fritatta! When its cooked, slice into 4 pieces & hey presto! 4 serves of vegie fritatta with protein. Can always add a side salad to it aswell. Does this sound TF friendly or am I completely going in the wrong direction? I will cook up a batch next week and post some piccies :)

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